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Brewery is a plugin powered by Spigot, the Brewery plugin allows people to make and drink alcohol. The plugin was added in the Beta of the SMP.



First, all alcohol types must be brewed, which is done by placing a cauldron full of water above a heat source.

Valid heat sources:[]

  • Magma blocks
  • Fires
  • Campfires
  • Lava

Different types types of alcohol require different ingredients to be boiled with different amounts and times. Right clicking a filled cauldron with a heat source with a valid ingredient in hand starts the boiling process. Right clicking a boiling cauldron with a clock shows the time the cauldron was boiling for. If it was boiling for less than one minutes, it says "The cauldron has just started boiling." and after finished boiling, the player will get a light-blue liquid, a mash or brew, which will give no effects until aged or distilled. Some alcohols need to be aged to add alcoholic content (mild alcohols), others need to be distilled (Vodka and Mushroom Vodka), and others need to be distilled and later aged (most spirits).


The mashes/brews then can be distilled by being put into an alchemy table with fuel and 1 glowstone dust in the ingredient slot. Every full distillation adds an amount of distillations, different spirits need different distillations, from XX (double) to XXXXXXX (septuple) distillation. The maximum distillation amount is XXXXXXXX (octuple) distillation. If a brew was incorrectly made, the result will be a low quality and low strength gray alcoholic drink called "Murky Distillate". The more distillation, the more alcoholic content.


Some drinks need to be aged, spirits needed to be aged will be described as "too acidic to drink" (yet still are drinkable but low quality) and need to be aged in Minecraft years and different barrel wood type barrels may need to be used for different drinks, for example spruce barrel for Whisky. Non-spirits get alcohol from aging. To age a drink, either a vanilla Minecraft barrel can be used to store 8 drinks and it is counted as an oak barrel, or two wood planks surrounded with eight wood stairs, with a sign saying "Barrel" on it, right clicking on this barrel gives 27 slots for drinks. If a brew was incorrectly made or if a brew/acidic spirit was too long aged or if vodkas were attempted to be aged, the result will be non-alcoholic gray potion called "Ruined Potion".


The command /brew seal opens up a sealing table, an 8-drink storing virtual chest and once a drink is put there it will be "labelled" for sale, removing description and putting the drink's alcohol quality in brackets.


Drinking alcohol has a multitude of effects. Generally, the higher drunkeness level, the more adverse effects. Drunkeness can go from 0 (sober) to 99 (completely intoxicated). To check drunkeness, do /brew [playername] and it will show the drunkeness of the player. Most alcohols give the poison effect, spirits give the highest amount of poison and Dark Green Absinthe gives instant damage. Alcohol gives nausea and weakness. Mushroom Vodka gives night vision and the Example slightly teleports the player, like chorus fruit. Drinking milk slightly lowers one's drunkeness level. If a player is highly drunk, they may vomit, spewing lots of small soul sand blocks and puking on command is possible with /brew puke. Vomiting gives the hunger effect. After drunkeness, the player might be in a different area from where they were and may experience a hangover, which gives very high slowness and weakness which can be negated with more alcohol or milk.

Alcohol list[]

  • Absinthe
  • Dark Green Absinthe
  • Apple Cider
  • Calvados/Apple Liqueur
  • Wheatbeer
  • Beer
  • Darkbeer
  • Avocaat/Eggnog
  • Example (only obtainable through /brew create example)
  • Gin
  • Mead
  • Sweet Apple Mead
  • Murky Distillate
  • Vodka
  • Mushroom Vodka
  • Wine
  • Rum
  • Tequila
  • Whisky

Non-alcohols (don't intoxicate the player)[]

  • Coffee
  • Potato soup
  • Ruined Potion
  • Potatomash
  • Sugarwater
  • Sugar brew
  • Mushroom brew
